Grey Literature


October 1, 2023


April 28, 2024

The “Grey Literature” page provides information and resources related to grey literature. Grey literature refers to research materials and publications not traditionally published through commercial publishers or academic channels.

The page includes a list of various resources related to grey literature. These resources include the Grey Guide, a repository of good practices in producing and disseminating grey literature. The Grey Literature – List of Gateways provides a list of gateways to access different sources of grey literature. The Grey Literature Report is a bimonthly publication that alerts readers to new grey literature publications in health services research and selected urban health topics.

Additionally, the page mentions Grey Literature Strategies, which is a research project focused on the production, use, and management of grey literature. GreyNet International is an organization dedicated to research, publication, open access, and education in the field of grey literature. Lastly, Open Grey is a system for information on grey literature in Europe, providing open access to many bibliographical references.